2018-01-17 IBM Academic Initiative - Valinda Scarbro Kennedy
Note different location
Loyola University Lake Shore Campus
1000 W Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60626
Coffey Hall, McCormick Lounge (Campus Map Building #27)
Admission: Free, General Admission, open to the public
This session will be a live hands-on workshop to go through two key industry education programs. The Enhanced IBM Academic Initiative that provides industry resources available for free for teaching, learning and non-commercial research use. The IBM Skills Academy is the next level of this program and it provides face-to-face faculty training, hands-on labs, cloud infrastructure for the labs, badges and proctored testing. Bring your laptop, iPad or phone (a laptop will be better) and get ready to access enterprise software (including security software), prebuilt courses, Watson, the Cloud and more. Want your school to be a flagship IBM school, join us to learn how.
Valinda Scarbro Kennedy is a leader on the IBM Global University Programs team working with universities, community colleges, faculty and students to provide access to industry resources to help bridge the gap between academic programs and the skills needed in the global market place. Working with institutions to implement programs to benefit students with hands-on access to IBM’s free and discounted academic programs including access to artificial intelligence, quantum computing, IOT, business intelligence, business process management, security and other hot technology area resources is a typical day in working with academic leaders.
During her 30-year career at IBM, Valinda has held a variety of engineering, sales, services and management positions. Valinda holds an Associate of Science Degree in Computer Science, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics from West Virginia State University.
While there will be light refreshments available, feel free to "brown bag" it and bring in food from the outside to eat during the social hour.
Click here to Reserve for Wednesday, January 17
or send an e-mail to greg@neumarke.net
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