2015-02-11 Erlang - Sean Cribbs
Loyola University Water Tower Campus (Chicago/Michigan Area)
111 E. Pearson Street, Chicago IL 60611
Beane Ballroom (13th Floor, Lewis Towers) Campus map
Admission: Free, General Admission, open to the public
Erlang is a computer language and runtime originally created for high-reliability telephony applications. Ericsson created Erlang in the late 1980’s to build Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) switches. These switches made possible the broadband we know today. In fact, British Telecom, a client of Ericsson, reported that the switches attained nine 9's reliability.
The Erlang-based system's careful language/runtime design, live upgrades, and interactive inspection of the running system all made this possible. Recently, a resurgence in the use of Erlang is due to its use in Internet-scale distributed systems.
In this talk, we'll discuss the motivations behind Erlang, the features that distinguish it from other software platforms, and the ways it simplifies building highly-available globally distributed services.
Sean Cribbs is a Senior Software Engineer at Basho. Basho originated from engineers at Akamai which created the first successful content delivery network. Basho’s Riak is a highly scalable, distributed storage system, based on Amazon Dynamo. Riak adds to this integrated search, secondary indexes, MapReduce, data types, and multi-datacenter replication.
With Riak, Sean focuses on client interfaces, user experience, libraries, convergent datatypes, and software tools. Sean speaks frequently at conferences on topics of Riak, distributed systems, eventual consistency, and web architecture.
While there will be light refreshments available, feel free to "brown bag" it and bring in food from the outside to eat during the social hour.
Click here to RSVP on meetup.com for February 11
or send an e-mail to greg@neumarke.net
Planned Meeting Dates:
March 11, 2015
Social Activism by Technologists,
Kathy Flynt of NorthBridgeTech
April 8, 2015
Ian Horswill, speaker
May 20, 2015
Visual Data meets Machine Learning,
Tuan Dang of UIC
June 10, 2015
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