2013-06-12 Google Web Audio

A joint Chicago Chapter ACM / Loyola University Computer Science Department meeting

Playing and Programming the Google Web Audio Toolkit

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

5:45 pm - Social time, light refreshments

6:30 pm - Presentation

Loyola University Water Tower Campus (Chicago/Michigan Area)

111 E. Pearson Street, Chicago IL 60611

Beane Ballroom (13th Floor, Lewis Towers) Campus map

Admission: Free, General Admission, open to the public

The Google Web Audio Toolkit lets HTML5 developers create and manipulate sounds using client-side programming. The toolkit, meant to be a sound source for games and other multimedia websites, produces a fairly high-quality sound even in comparison to desktop audio engines.

This talk will demonstrate the various sound sources, generated, pre-recorded and live audio, as manipulated mostly by JavaScript programming. The speaker's purpose in learning this Toolkit is to get back to his original motivation for learning about computers, as well as to develop a better understanding of JavaScript and its related libraries. 



Planned Meeting Dates

Chapter meetings resume in September 2013

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