Getting to a meeting on Metra
It's easy for suburban members to attend ACM
In the past few years afternoon rush-hour traffic around Chicago has gotten more and more congested, not only outbound from the city but also coming in from the suburbs. Some members who work and live in the suburbs have confided that after a full workday they just can't face the ordeal of the expressway.
Fortunately, they don't have to. It's susprisingly easy for suburban members to get to and from our Chapter meetings by comfortable and reliable Metra trains. Just leave your car at the nearest suburban Metra stations, relax and read your ACM publications on the smooth train ride, and, depending on weather, either walk or take a CTA bus from the downtown station to our meeting.
The best thing about Metra for ACM members is the return schedule. As you know out meetings typically end by 8:00 P.M. That gives you just enough time to stroll over to the Metra station and board your departing train back to your car. Here are some of them:
1 - formerly Northwestern Station, Madison & Canal Streets
2 - Jackson & Canal Streets
3 - one block from our Roosevelt University meeting location
To find the time for your inbound train as well as the location of your suburban station, check the Metra web site.