A Note about Food at ACM meetings
Post date: Nov 09, 2009 5:28:18 AM
For the Nov 12, 2009 meeting, and possibly future meetings, there will be no food provided at the ACM meeting, as has been our custom in the past.
The reason for this is that in order to qualify for a free meeting space and insurance coverage at Loyola University, we need to not charge admission to the meeting and be sponsored by an internal department. There is not a prohibition against food, just against a mandatory meeting charge. So you may bring in food to eat during the social hour at 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
There has been some talk of providing a "box lunch" type service for the meetings that would be optional, and we are still working out the details of how that might work and allow for people to pay for their meal in advance.
In the meantime, there are many dining and carryout options in the vicinity, particularly on State St.